we founded fritz-kola to make a better kola, but that’s not where we’re stopping. there’s just too much that can be done better. and that includes our commitment to sustainability. we’re starting with ourselves, and we hope to take you and the rest of our partners along for the ride. together we can wake up the world – and do our part to make it better.
our sustainability report 2020/2021
every day a bit better. we released our new sustainability report for the years 2020 and 2021.
since our founding in 2003, we made a crystal clear commitment to glass and have not produced a single plastic bottle ever since.
To drive system change in the beverage industry, we also launched the 'Drink from glass' initiative. Here, we encourage you and ourselves to adopt a sustainable and resource-saving mindset when consuming beverages and to avoid plastic waste.
As part of the initiative, we are working closely with the Surfrider Foundation europe. together we support 1,000 beach clean ups all over europe to free beaches, lakes and rivers from trash.
you want to organizie your own beach clean-up at a location near you? awesome - let's get started.
the beverage industry is one of the biggest plastic polluters in the world, but not a single plastic bottle has ever come from us. fritz has stood for reusable glass and plastic-free advertising materials since the beginning. we hope to see a future with no plastic bottles on the shelf, which is why we started our own initiative ‘drink from glass’ to ally with like-minded partners and turn our vision into reality.
as a beverage manufacturer we also have an impact on the environment. we don't want to sidestep this, but rather face it head on by finding solutions such as using clean energy and working with regional suppliers to reduce our footprint.
yes, we sell great drinks. but that’s not enough. we want to give something back to society. since 2011 we have partnered with 'elbe-werkstätten', a workshop for people with disabilities. one of our other initiatives, 'every bottle helps' is continuing to grow, saving not only resources, but the health and dignity of those that make a living from gathering deposit bottles. don’t trash it, someone can cash it!