Registered address:
fritz-kola GmbH
Spaldingstraße 64-68
20097 Hamburg
Tax ID: 46/722/00348
VAT ID: DE 814 938 815
Commercial Register 104144
County Court Head Office: Hamburg
Managing Director: Mirco Wolf Wiegert and florian weins
fritz-kola GmbH does not take responsibility for any content of the linked partners and service providers.
Concept/Design and Programming: elbkapitäne, hamburg
For all the material (concepts, ideas, pictures, messages, results of creative work etc.) that we obtain by whatever means, we exclude every possible accountability/warranty/confidentiality and do not treat it as intellectual property.
The logos of fritz-kola, fritz-limo, fritz-spritz, fritz-mate and Mischmasch are the property of fritz-kola GmbH. Additional registered trademarks owned by fritz-kolagmbh are: gourmetkoffein, koksen ist achtziger, mischwerk, sausebrause, fritz-kola, überdosis, pullenpack, fritz-bar, mischstück, fritz-spritz, mischmasch, fritz-mate, fritz-limo and fritz-kola.
number of control body DE-ÖKO-039, authority GfRS